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Long Term Intervention

Long term intervention involves one to one therapy focusing on the specific needs of the child.


This program includes:

  • Personalised Individual Educational Developmental Program (IEDP)

  • One to one therapy

  • Consultations with Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Swimming instructors and Doctors

  • Facilitation during various sport activities 

  • Generalised outings

  • Home support strategies

  • Integration and facilitation into school

  • Academic support

  • Regular feedback meetings


Short Term Intervention

Short term intervention consists of 10 sessions per week of intense and focused therapy. Parent training and/or therapist training is a key aspect of short term intervention in order to ensure that the program can be continued at home.


This program includes:

  • Weekly feedback meetings

  • Personalised Individual Educational Developmental Program (IEDP)

  • Intense goal orientated one to one therapy

  • Consultations with Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Swimming instructors and Doctors

  • Generalised outings

  • Home support strategies

  • Academic support

  • Feedback Report


Travelling Therapist

The travelling therapist will provide the intense and focused therapy of a short term intervention but with the convenience of travelling to the child's home. The therapist will liaison with the child's caregivers and/or main therapist, as well as work within a school environment to ensure that the therapy optimally benefits the child through collaboration of the different disciplines.


This program includes:

  • Therapist traveling to the child's home both locally and abroad

  • Weekly feedback between the therapist and parents

  • Personalised Individual Educational Developmental Program (IEDP)

  • Intense goal orientated one to one therapy

  • Consultations with Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Swimming instructors and Doctors

  • Generalised outings

  • Home support strategies

  • School facilitation

  • Academic support

  • Hand over session with the various therapists involved

  • Feedback Report




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